Energy Healing

When we heal our inner realms and energy, our external worlds naturally follows suit.

Private Energy Healing, Alignment & Empowerment With Olivia

Are You Ready To Address The Energetic Patterns Behind Emotional Pain, Physical Dis-ease, Stuckness/ Stagnancy, Repetitive Cycles, Blocks In Relationships, Success, Abundance, Creativity & Beyond?

Using Olivia As A Conduit For Reiki Universal Energy & Divine Healing Love, private sessions serve to amplify your life force, increase your vibratory level and harmonize your energetic system for your highest wellness, transformation and expansion in all areas of life.

Harnessing the power of quantum mechanics, Olivia’s unique energy healing methodology utilizes a variety of processes she has learned, channeled and cultivated over time in conjunction with her formal Master Level Reiki Training to help you break through resistance, transform your life experience and embody a state of wholeness and empowerment.

At times, life may lead us into these dusty, dark corners only amplifying our fragmentation. Yet we’re only ever brought to our knees so that we can arise once again and re-integrate the puzzle pieces of self… however now, with an expanded state of being and an eternal wisdom that is only cultivated through challenge, contrast and poignant experiences. This is not the end of the road my friend; it’s only a beginning.

If something deep within is whispering to you that it’s time for a shift… I’ll be here with open arms to remind you just how worthy you are of this transformation.

*Please Review “The Process” Section Below For Important Session Details*

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Because energy is the invisible blueprint of the body and the being, receiving Energy Healing & Alignment Sessions benefits you on ALL levels: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we have blockages in our Life Force Energy, it is unable to flow freely and interferes with our natural state of being. This can manifest as emotional or physical dis-ease, heaviness, fatigue, as well as in other areas of earthly life such as relationships, finances, mindset, lack of momentum, struggle and suffering… absolutely everything is related to the quality and health of our energy.

As I tailor your sessions to address your unique needs and specific intentions, you can expect to float into a deep state of relaxation and parasympathetic nervous system activation, creating the climate for transmutation, intuitive activation and inner resolution. Simply let go; leave the world behind for the time being… and allow yourself to receive. This is your time to tap into the tranquility, wholeness and power that lives within, and to unlock your inner healing powers to catalyze a newfound state of alignment and authenticity.

Sessions Focus On (But Are Not Limited To):

  • Deep Emotional Healing (anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, trauma integration, nervous system regulation and resilience)

  • Physical Restoration (dis-ease, conditions and issues in the body, chronic pain, inflammation, auto-immune disorders, chronic fatigue, increased energy)

  • Spiritual Growth & Expansion (strengthen your intuition, deepen your connection to Self/Source, connect intimately with your own energy, naturally helps open portals to deeper understanding of self and your spiritual evolution)

  • Personal Life Development (expanded clarity, removal of subconscious blockages toward the manifestation of your visions and dreams, breakthrough stagnancy, stuck-ness and resistance, perspective shifts)


  • During your session, you receive direct energy healing as I channel Reiki and Divine Healing Love/Frequencies through various energetic techniques and modalities. These sessions will address your unique needs and intentions, which we will discuss in a brief conversation at the beginning of the session before the transmission begins. If you are uncomfortable with speaking verbally, you are more than welcome to email me with your intentions following booking.

  • All physical, mental, emotional and spiritual concerns will be considered and integrated into each session. At this time, I ignite your specified intentions with Reiki Energy for your highest and greatest transformation and connect to the Universal Energy in order to relay the healing. I address all pressing issues or blockages I sense in your energetic system, and Reiki being a Spiritually Guided Intelligence in itself has the power to treat even issues we are unconscious of, at the root. This higher knowing, awareness and action is a natural characteristic of this energy.

  • In concert with Reiki, my methodology allows me to effectively direct healing frequencies as I work chakra by chakra to cleanse, purify, balance and regulate your system, attending to your energy channels, clearing your auric field and facilitating healthy grounding so that you can come into alignment with your self, your health, and the life you desire to create. I also work with multiple techniques related to concepts/practices such as deep visualization, energy programming, psychic surgery, color healing, sacred geometry and many more. The work I do is a powerful combination of energy work processes I have learned, channeled and developed in practice over time. These are processes I’ve found to be deeply profound in my own healing, as well as many others’.

  • As the process has already begun and the healing energy is flowing upon booking, I encourage you to take some time in between to reflect on the areas of life you’d like to focus on, so that by the time we meet your energy is primed to experience the shifts. The session itself is an opportunity for you to rejuvenate, recalibrate, restore and float away into deep inner relaxation and peace. All you have to do during the healing is SIMPLY BE. Rest in a state of openness to receive, intending to integrate the subsequent energetic shifts. Experiencing energy healing while being still and closing your eyes often allows you to feel the pleasurable sensations of subtle energy in your body moving (i.e. tingling, heat, and other physical/mental sensations). Often times, necessary insights will arise during the session or even hours, days or weeks later. I encourage you to surrender to the experience as much as possible— if emotions arise, let them out. Simply be with what feels most natural to you.

  • Upon booking, you’ll receive a confirmation email with further directions for an optimal experience including some light breathing exercises to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and settle into a state of deep relaxation. I encourage you to lie down, close your eyes and play the healing frequency music I send you (if you choose), which I have also imbued with positive intention and blessed with Reiki for your greatest growth. No electronics like phone, computer, etc. are necessary for the session since I’m working energetically, yet you have the option of an Audio Conversation (followed by No Technology if you choose), or being on a Zoom Video Meeting for the entirety of the session — whatever you’re most comfortable with. Clients often find distant healing incredibly relaxing because they can remain in the security and comfort of their own environment. Simply prepare a calming ambience (i.e. low light, candles, incense, blankets — whatever makes you feel cozy, safe, secure and comfortable.) You’re welcome to receive from your bed, backyard or bathtub: wherever you feel coziest and most receptive!

  • Within 72 hours of our sessions, I also email you with either a Personal Energy Report or a Brief Follow-Up Summary (depending on your booking length/session) in which I discuss what I pick up on while working that you’d benefit to know, as well as personal recommendations, guidance and any messages that may come through for you moving forward.

  • Depending on your needs, packages are discounted in order to encourage commitment to multiple sessions so that you’re able to witness your maximum healing and transformation unfold. Because our subconscious tendencies, beliefs, cycles and habits are not developed overnight (nor the energetic sequences behind them), energetic shifts are most maintainable when multiple sessions are used to further wire in these changes. Everyone is completely different in their needs, whether that be one single session or a package so please use your discernment, or feel free to email me at so that I can assist you in making the best decision for you specifically.

  • After your sessions, be sure to consume an abundance of fresh spring water (if possible) to aid in the physical detoxification process. Energy healing brings emotional blockages and residue to the surface, and on a physical level the clearings must also take place. Please pay close attention to your intuition during this time as to whether any appropriate dietary and/or lifestyle changes are necessary.

  • You are beyond deserving of this expansion, and to live the life of health, presence and inner harmony you desire! I am honored and deeply grateful to connect with you along your journey. I’m incredibly passionate about this work because it was a deeply compelling catalyst that helped completely shift and transform the trajectory of my life. My objective is for you to experience just how profound this work can be.

Book CURRENT Offerings

CORE SESSIONS: Energy Healing, Alignment & Empowerment

Many Sessions Also Include A Personal Energy Report! 20% YouTube Subscriber Discount reflected in current pricing: thank you for your continued support!

Book A 60 Minute Core Energy Healing, Alignment & Empowerment Session (MOST Popular Session!)

Book A 90 Minute Core Energy Healing, Alignment & Empowerment Session

Book A 30 Minute Core Energy Healing, Alignment & Empowerment Session

Book A 6 x 60 Minute Session Package (BEST Value)

Book A 3 x 60 Minute Session Package (BETTER Value)

Book A 6 x 30 Minute Session Package

Book A 3 x 30 Minute Session Package

*Please Note: 60/90-Minute CORE Sessions Include a post-session Personal Energy Report via email. 30-Minute Sessions do not include this report, (instead an abbreviated follow-up summary via email.) Read more about individual sessions on the “Work With Me” Page!

Trauma Integration & Nervous System Resilience Energy Healing Session

Book A 60 Minute 6-Session Package

Book A 60 Minute 3-Session Package

Book A Single 60 Minute Session

Relational Harmony Energy Healing Session

Book A 60 Minute 6-Session Package (Best Value)

Book A 60 Minute 3-Session Package (Better Value)

Book A Single 60 Minute Session

Join The Weekly Wholeness Transmission

To Consistently Receive Direct Energy Healing & Empower Your Intentions

Custom-Created Fully Personalized Reiki + Energy Healing Videos

15 Minute Personalized Reiki + Energy Healing Video Mini-Session Experience

25 Minute Personalized Reiki + Energy Healing Video Mini-Session Experience

*Visit The Work With Me Page For Detailed Information On Specific Sessions, Service Menu, Detailed Accounts Of Specialized Sessions, Personalized Made-To-Order Videos, Weekly Energy Transmissions & More

*By Booking Any Offering With Olivia, You Are Agreeing To Via Frequency’s Scheduling Policy.

Thank you for honoring Olivia’s busy schedule as well as the time and highest experience of her clients. You are so appreciated!

What people are experiencing

  • “Your hands are beacons of light, love and healing. Thank you."

  • “Oh wow I can physically feel it working on my throat chakra, lighting up areas I didn't know were there. Angel hands on the back of my neck. Perfect. Thank you!"

  • “Incredible how quickly realizations came up for me yet again. I'm grateful for your time and energy to assist us in the process."

  • "I absolutely loved this. My crown chakra was and still is so hot and tingling. It was almost vibrating. I really can't find the words to describe the sensation."

  • "Thanks! You've made things possible and I can't thank you enough... Your help has been very beneficial and it's something I can't thank you enough for. I appreciate it."

  • "Thank you dear. You carry peace."

Coaching & Energy Healing Fusion Sessions:

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